A Few Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From the Guy in Red….Santa!

We ran across a fun article over on the NFIB website about some tactics small business owners can glean from Ol’ Saint Nick. The advice comes from the book, The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus, read on for some of our favorite tips…

“Choose your reindeer wisely,” or in other words, spend the time and expend the effort to hire the right people.

“Make a list and check it twice… It’s no accident the big man manages to deliver millions of toys, year after year, without any kinks in the process. His secret is simple: He plans his work and works his plan.”

Set a goal and stick to it – and don’t hesitate to lean on your “elves.” Santa manages to deliver gifts to people all over the world, so we know he has the whole goal thing down pat.

“Build a wonderful workshop.” This means you should not only create an inspiring workplace aesthetic, but a cultural environment that nurtures both creativity and productivity.

“When your small business responds to change wisely, your sleigh can weather any storm—take it from good ol’ Santa Clause, the world’s savviest business owner.”

Now that we’ve covered some tips for a successful small business, let’s talk about funding your small business. Small business loans are a great option for small business owners and companies like SilverRockFunding.com are a great resource. Apply today and you could receive up to $500,000 for your small biz!

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