small businesses

Local Government Helping Ferguson Small Businesses

The town of Ferguson, Missouri is gradually piecing together remnants of the community damaged during the Michael Brown protest.  Brown’s passing sparked civil unrest throughout the area, leading to widespread property damage of neighborhoods, especially among several small businesses decimated by acts of vandalism and looting by a few people. The Missouri Government in conjunction
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Poll Finds: Small Biz Owners Have Few Regrets

Small business owners appear increasingly optimistic Encouraging news for anyone thinking of starting their own small business: a new poll shows that an overwhelming majority of small business owners wouldn’t change anything about their choice. A new Gallup poll found that 84% of small business owners have no regrets about making the decision to start
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Women Starting Companies at Torrid Pace, AP says

Really exciting news from the Associated Press: Female small business owners continue to grow in numbers “Women are starting companies at a torrid pace. Between 1997 and 2014, the number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. rose by 68 percent, twice the growth rate for men and nearly one and a-half times the rate for
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