If you own a business long enough, you will endure a lot of issues. Some are for the best and others for the worst. During every stage of your business, money is paramount. Whether you only have an idea or you are a local favorite, you must have the business funding. Silver Rock Funding and our trusted investors has helped many entrepreneurs get funding. In the spirit of National Small Business Week, we have provided tips on how to get money for your business at every stage:

Think about all those large corporations such as Google or Facebook, they started off as the simple ideas of ordinary Americans. Every entrepreneur can relate to that. Having an idea is powerful, however, it can be difficult to implement when you do not have the funds. Depending on your business, there can be a variety of expenses. If you are opening a restaurant, you must be able to cover the cost of leasing a space. For those opening a boutique, you have to purchase inventory. Some are able to cover these costs with their savings or a loan from family. Not every budding business owner has access to money this way.
Banks and other lenders tend to avoid funding start-up companies. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers funding opportunities for small businesses in their start-up phase. On the SBA official website and at your local chapter, they offer information on resources that you need to get started on the right track. Financial options they cover are venture capital, loans, and grants. They even offer assistance on creating your business plan and finding the right establishment for your business. So, if you are in the start-up phase of the business process, the SBA may have resources that can help.
Once your business has become established, the show is not over yet. Many business owners may find that they have more ideas, the market begins to change, or other products or services may be in demand. At this point, having funding is absolutely necessary. The trouble is not knowing how to get money for your business. Businesses may turn to banks to get funding, however, a lot of the banks are not eager to loan to small businesses. This leaves business owners to seek out private investors.
At Silver Rock Funding, we work with trusted investors who have millions of dollars to lend to the small business owners. The funding that you receive can be used for just about anything. Whether you want to get a new location or you would like to expand your inventory, Silver Rock Funding has resources for you. So far, we have connected small business owners with over $7 million dollars in funding.
Hard Times
Each week, we receive loads of positive feedback from small business owners. Many of these entrepreneurs reached out to us for funding during financial emergencies. Often times, you may be able to determine what might happen during the day-to-day operations of your business. However, if you have been in business long enough, you see that emergency situations are inevitable.
For a restaurant owner, maybe their oven malfunctions. Perhaps, you did not have sufficient revenue for the month to cover payroll. No matter what the sudden expense might be, Silver Rock funding is able to help. You can be approved for the money for your business in less than 24 hours. Money will be in your bank account in 3 days. Silver Rock funding is able to provide help for you during the hard times and the good times of your business.
For more tips on how to get money for your business during any stage, visit the Silver Rock Funding Blog. If you are in need of funding for your business, whether it be an emergency or otherwise, we have millions of dollars to lend to businesses like you. Complete the application, for free, at our website. A funding manager will reach out to you and discuss the needs of your business. Once you find an ideal funding solution, you are well on your way. Let Silver Rock funding help you.