Business Funding is consistently a hot topic in entrepreneurship circles. It’s a no-brainer. An ability to get business funding is crucial for success. However, many entrepreneurs struggle to receive funding. Big banks tend to be more eager to fund larger enterprises, leaving small businesses in the dark. Alternative lenders have emerged as a reliable solution. At Silver Rock Funding, we work with trusted lenders. Our lenders have millions of dollars to offer entrepreneurs. Getting funding can be easy with our services.

As noted earlier, banks have become less reliable for small business funding. After the financial crisis in 2008, regulations have tightened. The big banks have become reluctant when it is time to lend to small businesses. The need for non-traditional lenders has increased. Often times you can get rejected for a SBA loan or credit card funding due to bad credit. With Silver Rock Funding, you will not be disqualified for approval based on a poor credit history. You can, also, be denied by lenders based on a lack of collateral. Silver Rock Funding does not require collateral for approval. So, in spite of limited documentation, funding can be available to your business in as little as 72 hours.
So, how do you get business funding? For funding, we do require that you are an established business. We define this by your business having operated for at least 3 months. Additionally, you must generate at least $8,000 in revenue. Once you prove this, you could get funding in as little as 72 hours.
Silver Rock Funding is an unique source of business funding. We are professionals who are committed to matching small business owners with investors. You do not need perfect credit or collateral for approval. So, we are an ideal fit, if you are tired of being turned down every direction that you turn. Approvals can happen within 24 hours. Simply, complete the application online. A funding manager will contact you directly. They will learn more about your business and work to find an ideal funding match.