Small Business Retailer Revamps Business with Eco-Friendly Clothing

Fotini Zounis, owner of
Nine Muses (based in Crete, Indiana), opened her women’s and children’s
clothing store 15 years ago as an upscale clothing and accessories boutique,
but when the recession hit, and consumer spending changed dramatically, she knew
wholesale changes were needed to stay afloat.
After doing some
research, Zounis noticed
that more people were gravitating to the going green movement, and this
motivated her to transform her inventory from upscale-style clothing to vintage
eco-friendly pieces, a move that has significantly improved the client base and
Nine Muses like other
small businesses had to adjust after the financial crisis of the late 2000’s. 
The recession stymied small business activity, and made the process for
aspiring entrepreneurs getting funding for a start-up venture from banks and
other financial institutions arduous. 
Given the tough
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