business funding


When it comes to innovative entrepreneurs, we often hear the same names. There’s Apple’s late Steve Jobs, he is often acclaimed as a visionary and trailblazer in information technology. Google Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have gained accolades beyond their work on the multi-national search engine. Recently, we have begun to learn more about
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established businesses

Established businesses are not all cash-rich. There are various business expenses that require small business owners to seek out funding options. Silver Rock Funding offers small business funding to established businesses. Last week, the Silver Rock Blog team covered ways that entrepreneurs can handle various business expenses. This is true in every stage of business.
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Entrepreneur or not, there is valuable insight in these tips that can help produce winners. There are different kinds of entrepreneurs. There are the business rockstars and then there are those that… kind of…just run… their business. We like the business rockstars. A rockstar is the entrepreneur that strives to revolutionize their industries and the world
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payroll costs

Payroll costs are a part of doing business. However, with a potentially large minimum wage increase, some entrepreneurs are fearful. The rising cost of minimum wage has been a major talking point for politicians, economists, and individuals. Undoubtedly, small business owners and their employees are most impacted by the topic. Whether you are against the
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